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“Interruptions & Reminders”

Dear Immanuel Family,

Sunday’s visit from Imam Shamshad of the Masroor Mosque (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community) expressing condolences and regret for the recent Muslim violence against Christians in Pakistan was indeed an unexpected interruption, and an opportunity for us to be responsive to the Lord’s purposes “intruding” into our plans. (For those of you who missed the service, watch the video for both the sermon and the surprise ending after Communion.) It’s not often we get such an immediate opportunity to put into practice what Jesus teaches us!

I am grateful for how graciously you welcomed Imam Shamshad, Maaz, and the third visitor (whose name I forget). Please continue praying for peace in Pakistan; for comfort, provision, and protection for our persecuted Pakistani sisters and brothers in Christ; and for the Pakistani Muslim community to encounter the true person of Jesus. Pray also for our own Muslim neighbors here in Prince William County, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we learn to love them with the love of Christ.

I also want to remind you about these important details in our life together:

  • This Sunday, April 27th, we welcome our Bishop Chris and his wife Catherine for their first visit to our congregation. As a part of our hospitality, please wear your nametags and be ready to spend a little extra time with our new Bishop. And pray for Phil Oravetz, Dean Tony, and guest TJ Ono as they are Received and Reaffirm their baptismal vows. (Read more about the significance of the annual visit of the Bishop here.)

  • Next week is the final week to sign up for Alpha! Please do register as soon as possible, and encourage those whom you’ve invited to do the same.

  • Continue “remembering the LORD” in this final week of prayer as together we attend to what the Father is showing us through our financial need. Share your insights and wonderings with us via email or by placing a note in the offering plate or in the wooden box at the front doors.

I would also enjoy hearing any stories you have to tell of how this week you discovered unwanted interruptions and people to be opportunities to share God’s mercy!

Your Pastor in Christ,


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