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Life Together Updates

“Laying a Foundation of Prayer” Continued:

Over the past two weeks we have had several opportunities to learn more about the building of the Mission Outpost on Hoadly Road, and to lay a foundation of prayer for its construction – three Zoom gatherings and two times of praying on the land itself. This Sunday, May 30, is your next opportunity to join us in prayer. All are welcome to come to the parking lot of Coles Elementary School at 12pm. We’ll get out of our cars for a brief time of prayer, and then drive once around the property, praying as we go (Hoadly Road -> Kahns Road -> Token Valley Road -> Hoadly Road). There will be more opportunities to pray in the weeks and months to come.

Appointment of New Senior Warden:

As Rich and Karen Garon move to Pennsylvania, this means that Rich’s space on the Vestry needs to be filled, and a new person called to take on the role of Senior Warden. According our bylaws, the rector appoints the Senior Warden with approval from the Vestry. At our May 24 meeting, I appointed Alan Clark to the office of Senior Warden through the end of Rich’s term (January 2022), and his appointment was unanimously approved. Alan’s relationship with Jesus, his rich prayer life, and his experience and wisdom are well suited to providing the steady guidance we need for a mid-year change of leadership in the midst of our ongoing transition. Please give him your thanks, support and prayer.

The Vestry has the responsibility of calling a member of the congregation to fill the vacancy left by Rich. This person will complete Rich’s term, and if that person so desires may run for election to the Vestry to serve for another three years. Please join us in praying as the Vestry discerns whom to invite into this important ministry.

Easing of COVID Restrictions:

Later this afternoon you will receive a “Special Announcement” email detailing the changes to our protocols that begin this Sunday, May 30. I encourage you to read it carefully. I also encourage you to read Bishop John’s guidance in the most recent Mid-Atlantic Messenger, in which he acknowledges that the “easing of restrictions is proving to be even more difficult to negotiate than was the imposing of them a year ago. Vaccinations, masks, and distancing have become sensitive and potentially divisive matters in the Church as they are in the wider culture.” He then provides helpful quotes from the rectors of several of our sister churches, including these wise words from Fr. Patrick Ware:

So, when your church’s newest plans come out in the days and weeks to come, whatever they may be, especially if they are contrary in some way to your own sensibilities, would you take a moment to pray, and to ask the Lord how he would have you respond to them? Would you reach out to those making the decisions in your church, regardless of how you feel about their chosen strategy, and offer them some kind of extension of grace, love, and support? Would you ask them how you can help your church to get through this next phase of the pandemic, and offer yourselves to them for whatever is needed in your local church? Would you seek in all things to love those in your community as you would want to be loved?

I look forward to being with you this Trinity Sunday, on which we reflect on our God as Three-in-One. We are created in the image of this one true Triune God, an image Jesus restores through his crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and giving of the Holy Spirit so that “they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:21).

Your Pastor in Christ,



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