When you step into the Nave this Sunday and look toward the Sanctuary, you’ll notice a few important changes that have exciting implications for what we see and hear at Immanuel.
First, you’ll observe that the large, black, tripod-seated speakers have disappeared. Replacing them are high quality, white speakers attached to the walls on either side of the Sanctuary. Close your eyes and listen – the quality of the sound is significantly improved, congregants have the same audio experience regardless of where they sit, and those with ears to hear notice mid-range frequencies that our old speakers could not produce.
When you open your eyes, you’ll see that these new speakers improve the visual aesthetics and provide more floor space in the Sanctuary. You’ll also notice two of our four newly mounted cameras (the other two are in the back)! These cameras, along with new hardware and software, significantly improve our livestream. Those watching at home via Facebook or YouTube experience better video quality, smoother transitions, and improved shots. Those running the livestream in the AV booth have a joystick and preset buttons simplifying filming, along with more space (the iPhones on tripods are gone!).
Those sitting in the congregation may notice the subtle movement of the front two cameras, but in time any potential distraction will fade with familiarity. At times it may seem that a camera is pointing directly at you, but it’s not! The framing is set to minimize the visibility of congregants’ faces on the livestream.
As with all changes, particularly changes in technology, there will be a few weeks of adjustments, both in getting used to the newness and in getting the kinks worked out. Please be patient in this transition. We would appreciate constructive feedback from both online and in-person members. Please give that feedback to Scott Ankers, our Junior Warden (ankers4@comcast.net), and Mike Harpster (mikeharpster@comcast.net), who guided the detailed, year-long planning and implementation of this multi-stage project. Thank you, Mike!
I’m also grateful to our Vestry for their support of this effort. In addition to money donated specifically to this work, the Vestry approved use of money from our Building Fund to further our vision to cultivate in-person and online spaces to experience “God with us…for the sake of others.”
Finally, now would be the perfect time to volunteer to help with livestream and sound—the process is simplified, and the training fresh! We need at least two more people to run the livestream, and two more people to run the soundboard. Please talk to Scott Ankers if you’re interested.
Your Pastor in Christ,
