It was good to be together as a family for our Annual Meeting this past Sunday. For those of you who missed the meeting, you can watch it here. Among the important moments was the election of our new Vestry members: Paul Giannini, Jazmyn McGinley, and Deb Tomchek. They have been called to the Vestry as “faithful stewards of this God-blessed, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-empowered, faith-based, longest-lasting world-changing enterprise” that we call the church (the Rev. Canon David Roseberry).
As we commissioned Paul, Jazmyn, and Deb at the Annual Meeting, we committed to “do all in our power to support these leaders with our prayers, our honest yet gracious communication with them, and our willingness to help them carry out Christ’s ministry in this church.” For those of you unable to be at the meeting, I ask you to join us in this commitment. (And also know that there are still copies available of the Annual Report.)
Tuesday, February 06, our Vestry will meet to appoint our new Senior and Junior Wardens. Please pray for us as we make these important decisions.
On another matter, we have added a new section at the end of “The Weekly” called “Needs & Opportunities.” In that section you will find ways of loving the Immanuel family by meeting specific needs, attending fun events, and offering items and services. If you would like to submit a need or opportunity to that section, send an email to
I look forward to being with you this upcoming Sunday for “World Mission Sunday,” as we remember together that ““mission arises from the heart of God himself, and is communicated from his heart to ours. Mission is the global outreach of the global people of a global God” (Christopher J. H. Wright).
Your Pastor in Christ,
