November 3, 2019
From the Interim Rector
This week we begin our annual emphasis on financial stewardship. We don't spend a lot of time talking about money at Immanuel. But November is the time for each of us to evaluate our attitude toward sponsoring mission and ministry. For the next few Sundays, some members of our congregation will give short testimonies regarding balancing their finances so as to make monetary gifts to Immanuel. And I'll be sending you a letter laying out the stewardship emphasis.
FAMILY INGATHERING SUNDAY IS NOVEMBER 17. Please bring your pledge card to church on that Sunday and place it in the basket on the altar, your gift to God in thanking Him for gifting you with eternal life.
Budgeting at Immanuel is quite simple. Since we have no endowment or grant money, we depend on parishioners to build a budget that emphasizes Jesus as Lord. Unlike the federal government, we believe God calls us to a balanced budget. What you and I give determines the mission and ministry of Immanuel. In 2020, we'll be welcoming a new rector, which will involve increased expenses (paying for moving expenses, etc). Also, we are aware that everything will cost more in 2020. Will you look at your giving in 2019 and covenant with God to increase your pledge for 2020? We are especially in need of increasing the operational budget.
Thanks so much. You are a generous group of Jesus followers. Please consider tithing (giving a tenth) as a regular part of your spiritual discipline.
Dave Bena