Last Sunday I announced that Norma Dhlodhlo is no longer serving as our Parish Administrator. We are grateful for her hard work and kind presence, and Norma shared how quickly she came to experience Immanuel as family. Join me in praying for the Lord to bless her as she moves into the future God has for her.
Rhema Brown will be resuming her role as Parish Administrator…working remotely from Poland! It may sound like an unusual arrangement, but already things are running smoothly and efficiently. Here’s a greeting and an explanation from Rhema herself:
Hello Immanuel Family!
It’s Rhema! I’m so glad to be back and supporting Immanuel Anglican Church as your Remote Parish Administrator, supporting the Front Office! Though I’m not there in person, I will be there in spirit and via email at! I’ll be available during the usual office hours of 9:00 AM -1:00 PM EST, Tuesday – Friday. Please feel free to reach out regarding announcements, scheduling classrooms at the church and any of your usual Parish Administrator related needs that can be handled via email and online.
For those who prefer an in-person conversation, the Front Office will also be supported by a Front Desk Volunteer who will be there in person to help with immediate needs you may have. They will also be there to answer phone calls and accept Room Request Forms located in the front office. Again, I look forward to supporting you all!
I also want to remind you that we now have online giving available! Go to our Give page and click on the Give Now button to check it out and use it! From the drop-down menu you can select either Operating Account or Building Fund.
The Operating Account is how we advance the mission God has given Immanuel through our staff, ministries, programs, and facilities—and it’s currently where we have the greater financial need. The Building Fund is how we pay our mortgage, and how we fund projects for the building and grounds that ensure we successfully complete the “As-Built Process” (the final stage of our building process) and continue creating a hospitable place for worship, connection, and caring. We encourage people to give generously to both accounts. Please talk to the Treasurer, Barbara Finney, or Finance Chair, Alan Clark, if you want to learn more.
Your Pastor In Christ,