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Update from the Senior Warden

The Green Insert

Last Sunday we drew attention to the “Green Insert” contained each week inside the bulletin. It’s usually green, although it might over the years have been yellow. In any case, it lists our numerous ministry groups as well as other activities taking place in Immanuel and those outside in which our church participates. You’ll see also, names of those who can be contacted for more information.

It’s very doubtful that the house churches to which Paul was writing in Romans had green inserts to which they could refer. Yet in Romans 12:15, Paul said: Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. In essence, as one observer notes:

Paul exhorts us not to regard ourselves as mere individuals with respect to our relationship to Christ. That is, we must not view ourselves as connected to Jesus but disconnected from others who likewise trust in the Savior. We must understand ourselves as so closely related to other believers that what saddens them saddens us and what fills them with joy fills us with joy also.

Imagine getting to know those who sit in our sanctuary on Sundays so well that you so delight in what brings them joy and also, share so the sadness that they might experience. It might be difficult to get to know each other better to that degree if we limit our time together to just Sundays.

So, I encourage you to review what possibilities the green insert might hold for you and to prayerfully consider getting in touch with the contact person to learn more about a particular ministry or activity. Ask them how that ministry has deepened their walk with Jesus. And if there is something you’ve heard about but is not listed, please contact me or other vestry members and we’ll be pleased to provide you with that information.

Rich Garon

Senior Warden


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