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Backpacks for Kids: Serve
In Prince William County, there are many children that are food insecure. Food insecure is “the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food.” In Prince William County, over 19,000 elementary school children qualified for free or reduced-price school lunches. Although these children are provided meals during the week, some do not have access to food on the weekends. We want to ensure these children don’t have to worry where their next meal is coming from by providing children with weekend food bags.

Stephen Ministry: Serve

Stephen Ministry is designed to comfort those in need in our congregation. Members of Stephen Ministry are trained in how to comfort those going through challenging life situation, whether it be family loss or discouraging times, and comfort them through fellowship and pastoral care. If volunteering for Stephen Ministry interests you, please reach out to the contact person below.
Where: Locations may vary
When: Times and dates may vary
Contact: Ingrid Farrel,
Jo Marohn,
Commitment: Commitment may vary
Ministry Safe Required: Yes
Other Info: Stephen Ministry requires particular individuals who have been called to be involved in this type of ministry. While it is open to anyone to apply, not all may be the best fit. There also is a training process for those who are involved in this ministry.
If you are in need of pastoral care, click here.