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Backpacks for Kids: Serve

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In Prince William County, there are many children that are food insecure. Food insecure is “the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food.” In Prince William County, over 19,000 elementary school children qualified for free or reduced-price school lunches. Although these children are provided meals during the week, some do not have access to food on the weekends. We want to ensure these children don’t have to worry where their next meal is coming from by providing children with weekend food bags.


How you can donate:

​1.    Check out our Amazon Wish List. Purchases come right to us. Include a gift receipt and we will notify you when we receive your donations.


2.    Bring a check to church or mail a check with Backpacks For Kids in the memo to: 
Immanuel Anglican Church
7075 Hoadly Road
Manassas, VA  20112

3.    Below is a list of items you can purchase to be donated to Backpacks for Kids. Please ensure all food packages are unopened an unexpired. Contact Melissa Byers at





- Granola Bars

- Oatmeal Packets

- Milk (No refrigeration required)

- Juice boxes (100% Juice)

- Cereal (single size)


Lunch and/or Dinner

- Canned Soups (Vegetable)

- Canned Pasta Meals (no meat)

- Macaroni and Cheese

- Ramen

- Tuna

- Beans



- Cracker Sandwiches

- Apple Sauce

- Fruit Cups

Where: (reach out to contact person)



When: (reach out to contact person)



Contact: Melissa Byers,


Commitment: Contact Melissa



Ministry Safe Required: Contact Melissa



Other Info: N/A


There are many ways you can donate to Backpacks for Kids!
To find out how, 
click here.  

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