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Intentional Diversity: Intergenerational(and Life Together Updates)

Great it the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.

One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.

(Psalm 145:3-4)

For the next three weeks, our focus for “Being the Church” is on the Priority and Practice of Intentional Diversity:

As an Intergenerational, Intercultural, and Interpersonal family we are to cultivate interactions between these generations, cultures, and individuals — actively recognizing and receiving the gifts given through these relationships.

This Sunday, we’ll give our attention to the gift and calling of being intentionally Intergenerational. One of the understandings of Scripture regarding the Church is that we are family. Almost every letter in the New Testament, implicitly or explicitly, refers to the Church as the “household of God” (1Timothy 3:15), and gives guidance calling God’s people to live like it. As you may know, a “household” in that age assumes generations and extended family living close together, supporting each other in all areas of their lives.

Jesus adds another dimension to this understanding when he declares his family to be defined not by blood or by marriage, but by faithfulness to his Father (Matthew12:46-50). In fact, he came that we might become daughters and sons of the Father (John 1:12-23; Romans 8:12-39), and his own siblings (Hebrews 2:10-13). Single, married, divorced, widowed, orphaned – in Jesus, you are wrapped into the Father’s embrace (Colossians 3:3), and brought home into a forever family (Psalm 68:5-6). And that family includes people of all ages.

I recently came across an article entitled “Why the Church Needs Intergenerational Friendships,” and I appreciate the author’s list of the gifts given by such relationships:

· Wisdom. The most obvious gain is the wisdom that comes from perspectives other than our own.

· Wonder. God is at work in every generation, just as in every human being. Learning the stories of God’s

work in wildly different situations leads to wonder at his power and character.

· Godliness. Intergenerational friendships can lead us to grow in godliness. They do this by forcing us to

love more maturely…, to develop humility…, [and] grow in personal holiness.

I’ll add to that list: It’s also fun.

How can we grow in cultivating relationships across the generations so that we grow in wisdom, wonder, godliness…and fun?

Life Together Updates

Back to Beville!

This Sunday we return to worshiping at Beville Middle School at 10am. Please take a look at Immanuel’s Sunday Morning Worship page to know what to expect in terms of COVID guidelines. Families with kids, we want you there, and we have a few special things in mind for you!And we’re inviting everyone to bring a picnic, and join us outside for lunch on the lawn.

Assisting Afghans

Remember that Lutheran Church of the Covenant is accepting donations on behalf of Lutheran Social Services on Wednesdays, 10am-1pm and Saturdays, 11am-2pm. Please read this document for details, particularly with regard to the specific items they are requesting. Their address is 15008 Cloverdale Road, Dale City, VA 22193.

I look forward to being with you this Sunday.

Your Pastor in Christ,



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