Last Sunday I explained that worship is more than the songs we sing. It is the fullness of who we are created to be—a people who submit to, celebrate, and serve our Father in all areas of life. As Eugene Peterson describes it, “Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering” (Romans 12:1, The Message).
Music, however, is vital to our worship of God. It moves beyond the limitations of words, giving unique voice to love, lament, and praise. In its best moments, music bonds us together as a worshipping community, and creates a profound connection between our hearts and our Lord.
I am so grateful to Meredyth, Irwin, and our Choir who devotedly provide music for us every Sunday. In recent months, Sharon Dennis and Doris Macdonald of the Braeded Chord have offered their musical gifts as well. These faithful ones ensure we continue singing our praises to God, even in this extended season where we lack clearly defined musical leadership. Their dedication, care, and consistency are instrumental in enlivening our weekly worship (yes, pun intended). And we are pursuing the expansion of this music ministry.
In August, I commissioned a committee to identify ways we can enhance our music, and asked that they provide recommendations to the Vestry by the end of this year. The long-term goal, of course, is to hire a Worship Leader who recognizes the treasures existing within both traditional and contemporary musical canons, and who integrates those treasures into services that invite all of us into “Spirit-filled song and unity.”
In the meantime, the Music Committee also is exploring ideas to supplement our music ministry in the near future. Hiring occasional musicians, using pre-recorded worship tracks, and soliciting greater involvement from the congregation are a few of these ideas. We don’t need to wait until we can afford a Worship Leader to augment our Sunday services.
Please continue to pray that the Lord would indeed “provide our music ministry with his resources, vision, and leaders.” And let’s not wait to worship in “Spirit-filled song and unity.” Also, be sure to hug and thank Meredyth, Irwin, and each Choir member for leading the way in fulfilling the words of Paul: “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:29).
Your Pastor in Christ,