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“Engaging the Greater Anglican Family”

Among the gifts of being Anglican is our participation in an ancient, global movement. We are not an isolated congregation engaged in worship, mission, discernment, and decision-making alone. We belong to the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic (DOMA), a community of congregations led by our Bishop Chris Warner to “reach North America with the transforming love of Christ.” Our Diocese belongs to the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), which in turn participates in the global Anglican Communion, whose roots extend into the historic church emerging from the apostles, built on the foundation of Christ.


Here are three immediate ways to engage with this greater Anglican family:

·       The Investiture of Archbishop Steve Wood as the new Primate of the ACNA took place on October 20, 2024. I encourage you to read this interview with Archbishop Steve so you understand the heart of the man now guiding our church at the national level: I want people to be the church. We’ve been given a commission. We know the call, we know the charge: we are a life-saving station. There are 130 million people in North America who don’t know Jesus. That’s a heck of a vision. I think we need something that big, that is absolutely impossible to do. To be faithfully audacious.

·       DOMA’s annual Synod takes place this weekend at All Saints’, and Immanuel will be represented by our lay delegates Melissa Byers, Danny Cade, and Andy Oravetz, as well as by Pastor Sallie and me. Synod is a unique, encouraging time when the churches of our Diocese gather together for worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, and to conduct the business of the Diocese. While only delegates can vote, all are invited to attend in person or via livestream. Please pray for our delegates, and I encourage you to attend the Friday evening Holy Eucharist Service at 7pm.

·       Bishop Chris visits us next weekend! Saturday, November 23rd, he will teach “The Five P’s of the Holy Spirit” from 9:30am-12pm. Sunday, November 24th, he will celebrate and preach at both services. At the 8am service he will deconsecrate our mobile Holy Table and Lectern, and consecrate our beautiful new ones! At the 10:30am service, in addition to giving thanks for those furnishings, the Bishop will Confirm, Receive, and Affirm ten of our members. A reception and Q&A will follow the second service. Wear your name tags and welcome our Bishop!


Your Pastor in Christ,


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