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“Lord We Wait for You”

The Apple Music app has a feature where it recommends songs or albums its algorithms calculate that I will appreciate. Most of the time it’s wrong, particularly where worship music is concerned. This morning, however, it introduced me to a song called, “Advent 1: Hallelujah! Christ Is Coming” by the cross-generational poet-musician duo Liturgical Folk. (I assure you the fact they are Texans is entirely coincidental.) (Really.) (But I admit I’m “tickled,” as my Texan dad would say.) I’m sharing the lyrics with you below because I think they declare with simplicity the heart of our theme this Advent, “What are you waiting for?” We are waiting for Jesus to come.


The first Advent broke darkness' sway,

Christ's birth made night as bright as day;

When Jesus spoke the truth was known,

When Jesus walked the way was shown,

When Jesus died all death was slain,

When Jesus rose 'twas life's refrain.


Hallelujah! Christ is coming

Lord, we wait for you


Yet still the dark with light contends:

Until the Lord Most High descends

His people bear their cross of pain,

His people from the world abstain,

His people thirst for wisdom still,

His people seek his kingdom's will.


Hallelujah! Christ is coming

Lord, we wait for you


He will return to end the fight,

To banish all the powers of night;

When Christ returns our hope is sealed,

When Christ returns the world is healed,

When Christ returns he is the prize,

When Christ returns the dead will rise.


Hallelujah! Christ is coming

Lord, we wait for you


Wait with us this final Sunday of Advent, and then celebrate with us the First Advent on Christmas Eve at 5pm or 8pm.


Your Pastor in Christ,


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