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Message from the Senior Warden

What a blessing and source of inspiration is the message from Fr. Travis, our new rector. And what a blessing it is to have faith that God is with us and that He has and will continue to provide for us.

Where are we at this point and what is next?

1. Prince William County Schools are now closed through the end of the academic year. That’s certainly not what we anticipated. However, we will continue, until we are able to worship again in person, to have our worship service available on our website every Sunday morning. Thanks to all who made our first service so successful. And thanks to all for their wonderful comments. We’ll be at a new venue this week (the Garon home) as we add keyboards, some more traditional music, and a new sound system. In coming weeks we’ll be tying in the sermon message to the children’s program available on our website.

2. You should be receiving soon as part of our Staying Connected program, an envelope containing a new parish directory and a copy of our annual report which we had planned to discuss at our annual meeting had we been able to meet on March 15. Please let me know if you have any questions as you read the report. And please use the directory for keeping in touch with your fellow parishioners.

3. Also, in that same envelope our ballots for electing our new vestry members. Please carefully read the accompanying instruction letter and information about the candidates so that your anonymous vote is mailed to the office in time to be tabulated by our team of tellers. Our registrar will certify the results and we’ll be announcing the names of our new vestry members.

4. We’re exploring means available through internet conferencing which can let our various groups link to their members. We’ll be providing more information on what’s most workable.

5. I hope you’ll also look forward to receiving your weekly call from our phone bank. If you know of anyone with special needs, let the caller know so we can see how we might respond.

6. Finally, our neighbors are in need as well. Some parishioners on their own have been extending a hand to the homeless. Also, students we’ve been supplying with weekend backpacks continue to need our help. Backpacks For Kids is in need of donations to continue weekend bag distribution at Coles Elementary School. Donations can be bought through our Amazon Wish List: ( or shipped from your store of choice to:

Immanuel Anglican Church

1529 Old Bridge Road, Suite 103

Woodbridge, VA 22192

Contact Melissa Byers at if you are interested in dropping off or need pickup of donations.

If you missed yesterday’s introduction and letter from Father Travis Hines, you may view his message on our website bog at:


Rich Garon

Senior Warden


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