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Message from the Senior Warden

May 3, 2020

Stronger than Strong

I’m sure you’ve heard as I have during this pandemic that we’ve got to be strong. That we’re all in this together; that we’ll get through this. I know these themes are meant to encourage us to help one another and care for each other and those are all good things. Indeed, we’ve seen the selflessness of medical personnel,

first-responders, and yes, what we might call everyday people who just did something to help in an act that put someone else first.

We’re in the midst of a deadly phenomenon we’re still trying to figure out. It’s a virus so sweeping and lethal that it’s testing our nation and others in ways unimagined by most. We’ve got to be strong; at least as strong as this adversary. But even at least as strong could lead to a standstill. Where’s the tiebreaker?

He can be found in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 6:10 “Finally brother, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Read the following verses in the chapter and consider the “armor of God” -- do you put on that armor every day?

Tim Keller offers the following prayer: “Lord, so much of my worry stems from a proud belief that I may know better than you what needs to happen. Teach me to cast my burdens on you – leaving them to your power and wisdom. Amen.”

Looking back (eight years now) to when we were St. Margaret’s on the Hill, we see that our walls had been taken and most all that we had. But storms we have shaken and we stand now stronger in the Lord.


Rich Garon

Senior Warden


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