We’re nearing the conclusion of this series on church membership, the invitation to belong to this particular family of God in Jesus. I’ve presented our shared commitments, our vision, and two of our three core expressions of “God with us…for the sake of others”: Worship Together and Grow Together.
This upcoming Sunday I’ll teach on how we Serve Together through Humble Hearts, Compassionate Action, and Bold Truth-Telling. As we learned last week from Ephesians 4, growing into Jesus is our goal, and Jesus himself said that he came “not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
I want to offer you two opportunities to serve this very week. The first is in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. The Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) is coordinating volunteers and receiving donations to help with both immediate needs and long-term recovery efforts. You can donate and learn more at https://ardf.org/relief-hurricane-helene-2024.
The second opportunity is to participate in our Annual Pet Blessing this Sunday, October 06, from 3pm-5pm. This is a fun, easy way to connect with the pet owners in your life. Invite them to bring their beloved animals, and come along with them! Pastor Sallie and I will pray for all creatures great and small, and prayer teams will be ready to pray for all humans as well! Snacks will be available for both pets and people.
Of course, there are many more ways to serve at Immanuel. You’ll get to learn about them on Sunday, October 20th. After both services on that day, we’ll host a Ministry Fair in the Nave. Plan to spend some extra time after the services visiting the different ministries, considering how you could participate further in this essential part of life together.
Your Pastor in Christ,