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“Scripture: You need it. So read it. I mean it.”

This past Sunday I spoke of our God as the greatest Seeker, our Father who wants us to understand who He is and what He’s doing, and how we’re a part of his purposes. One of the primary ways he reveals himself to us is through the gift of his Spirit-inspired Scriptures, which is why I urged you to make this New Year’s intention:


Ask God for the grace to read and understand the Scriptures through which he reveals himself and his ways.


To help you follow through on this intention, here are a few Bible reading plans to consider.


1.     Make use of the Daily Office Lectionary included in our Book of Common Prayer 2019. Turn to page 736 in the back of your BCP for instructions and the list of readings, or go to You can also download “The Daily Office App” to your smart phone. You’ll join Anglican Christians all over the world in reading the same Scriptures each day! (For a deep dive into understanding our lectionary, read this article on Anglican Compass.)

2.     I’ve found “The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel” to be a wonderful way to read or listen through the entire Bible. In addition to the readings, you get a brief reflection from Nicky and Pippa (of Alpha fame) to increase your understanding. There are Classic, Youth, and Express versions available. You can read it online, or download an app for listening.

3.     If neither of the above appeal to you, take some time to read through this helpful “2025 Bible Reading Plans” post. It begins with helpful instructions on choosing a realistic Bible reading plan, and then provides a variety of options. Some are as simple as five minutes a day, five days a week, while others delve into the complexities of context and culture.


It's not too late to begin! As I said on Sunday, “God is seeking you for you to know him, and so he has given you Scripture. You need it. So read it. I mean it.”


Your Pastor in Christ,


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