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Pastor’s Ponderings

This upcoming Sunday the scripture Ephesians 4:17 – 5:2 will be the basis of the sermon.  Earlier Fr. Travis asked me to work the Kairos Ministry into a sermon.  Well God knew it all along as this scripture reference speaks so authentically about the women incarcerated in Fluvanna County Correctional Center for Women (FCCW).

The word, Kairos, is a Greek word meaning in “God’s Special Time” or in the “Fullness of Time,” indicating an opportunity for our participants and guests to reconsider their life choices.

Kairos Prison Ministry International is a Christian faith-based ministry that addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth and their families.  By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos changes hearts, transforms lives and impacts the world. Kairos Manual

Kairos operates in 37 states in the US and 9 countries.  It is truly international geographically.  This is a ministry and not a movement.

Kairos is a lay led ministry and has over 300,000 volunteers worldwide.  Currently there are over 100 prisons that want the Kairos Program, but the resources and number of volunteers needed are not available at this time.

How does one volunteer to go into a maximum-security prison?  This pastor didn’t run in line to sign up for this ministry.  A dear friend and I were invited to a ‘closing’.  This is the last event of the weekend and people from the outside come in to congratulate the new Kairos sisters.  After we attended the closing together, we returned to my car for the 2 ½ hour drive home.  At first we said nothing to each other.  Then we both said simultaneously that “God is calling us to this ministry”.  I have been a part of the Kairos ministry since 2006.  As many of the volunteers will tell you, we get so blessed as we bring this ministry to FCCW monthly.  I will share what stories I can share during the sermon.  But in the meantime reflect on this quote.

“I thought I was pretty tough.

I didn’t cry when I was arrested.

I didn’t cry when I was sentenced.

I didn’t cry when I came to prison.

But I found out that I’m not tougher than God…

I’ve been crying all weekend.” Kairos Inside Graduate


In His Steps,



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